CCFA – French Automobile Manufacturers Committee
CCFA – French Automobile Manufacturers Committee

For more than a century, the French cars and trucks manufacturers established in Paris their trade association which became the CCFA, to research, monitor, inform, communicate with institutions. Now the CCFA represents, promotes and defends the automotive industry at the national, European and international levels. In 2017, it has3 members: PSA, Renault and Renault Trucks. CCFA has a staff of 27 and a chairman alternating from PSA and Renault; Christian Peugeot was appointed in 2016. The CCFA has two subsidiaries: AAA Data and AMC Promotion (Paris motor show).
The organization is built on six operational departments: International affairs, Environmental and technical affairs, Economics, statistics and transport, Communications, Legislation, Road safety and CSR and two functional departments: Human Resources and Finance.